[Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

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[Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von IceWilliams » Mo Sep 24, 2007 10:36

Hallo, wir diskutieren gerade wie der Nintendo zu dem Namen Game Boy kam. Gab es da einen bestimmten Grund?

Ich hab jetzt einfach mal vermutet das man sich damit auf die Game & watch Spiele, deren Nachfolger der Game Boy ja quasi ist, bezogen hat.

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Beitrag von NR20 » Mo Sep 24, 2007 10:40

Game & Watch ist auch ein komischer Titel

Spiele und Schaue
Ich musste meinem Vater mal bei einem Umzug helfen, weil, ach egal, ich musste ihm helfen einen Teppich zu tragen, also... es war ein grosser Teppich. Jedenfalls klingeln wir da an einer Tür und da macht eine Frau auf, die hatte so ein Lederhalsband um mit einem Ring dran, ja? Wir gehen dann also hinein und gehen an einer Küche vorbei, dort saß ein Mann und las Zeitung. Sie führt uns also ins Wohnzimmer und... ja… ich fand das einfach krass, dass die so ein Halsband an hatte! - trashfan

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Beitrag von Seppatoni » Mo Sep 24, 2007 12:13

NR20 hat geschrieben:Game & Watch ist auch ein komischer Titel

Spiele und Schaue
Das Watch war mehr auf die Uhren- und Wecker-Funktion bezogen. :ugly:


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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Mo Feb 17, 2014 16:23

Nachdem praktisch alle namhaften Konsolen bereits damit versorgt wurden, ist auch für den Game Boy endlich ein Everdrive in der Mache.
http://www.retrocollect.com/News/super- ... -cart.html



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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Mo Jul 07, 2014 18:49



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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Shiiro » Mo Jul 07, 2014 18:57

"My dad had one! He put batteries in it..and it didn't work" :ugly:²
[ externes Bild ]
[ externes Bild ] [ externes Bild ][ externes Bild ][ externes Bild ]
Bei SK CLOTHES fast jede Woche neue Shirts :uprof: - Isst man zuerst das Huhn, oder das Ei?

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Nintendo Network ID: Seppatoni
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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Sa Jun 10, 2017 22:03

New Game Boy & Game Boy Color Everdrive Flash Cartridges Approaching With Save State Functionality

Over the last decade a plethora of classic consoles and computers have been gifted aftermarket solutions to playing games without the need of original game cartridges or discs. From flash cards to compact disc emulators, there are so few systems out there still in need of a future-proof solution. This has left the talented developers behind these devices to focus their efforts on more advanced offerings, with the Game Boy seeming to be next in line for an overhaul.

Krikzz of Everdrive fame recently posted on his official website's messageboard to announce that the Everdrive GB was about to be replaced by the Everdrive GB X series. Ditching flash based memory, the Everdrive GB X is moving towards PSRAM technology which promises lower power consumption and a whole host of new features. The most notable of these is the arrival of save state functionality - a feature usually seen exclusively in emulation that allows progress in games to be frozen, saved to cartridge, and then recalled at a later date.

With an expected launch sometime during summer, Krikzz also announced that there will be three different versions of the Everdrive GB X cartridge made available - the X3, X5 and X7 (a naming convention also seen on his Mega Everdrive range). The X3 is due to be the budget release with limited features, whilst the X7 will come packed with advanced offerings, at a price.

Everdrive GB X Series Specifications

EverDrive-GB X7

Max ROM size: 8MByte
Max SAVE RAM size: 128KByte
Save States function and In-Game menu function.
Isolated RTC function. "Isolated" means that multiple games can use RTC without interference. Each game will have own copy of time.
Instant loading.
Low power consumption (approx 4x times less than original EverDrive-GB)
GameGenie cheat codes
Cart allow to return in menu without power off/on cycle.
Supported mappers: MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC5
SDHC/SDXC support
Compatible with all systems which supports GB and GBC cartridges, including Super Game Boy
New OS. Now it more handy and fast. Supports up to 1000 files per folder.
EverDrive-GB X5

Same as X7 minus save states, in-game menu and RTC
EverDrive-GB X3

Same as X5 but reboot in menu to save game progress stored in SRAM (Like Mega-X3 or ED64-V2.5)




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Nintendo Network ID: Seppatoni
3DS Freundescode: 5327-0890-2151
Wohnort: Espenmoos Anmeldedatum: 29.11.2001

Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Do Nov 16, 2017 08:08

Das neue Everdrive funktioniert bestens. Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig ist allerdings, dass man das Menü mit Druck auf den oberen Teil des Moduls aufruft, was beim Zocken via Super Game Boy o. ä. etwas nervig sein kann. :ugly:


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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von joker1000 » So Jul 08, 2018 10:42

Paul Machacek, A Former Rare Dev, Says That There Was A Cancelled Battletoads Game Boy Title
Paul Machacek is a former Rare dev, and he recently took part in an interview with RareFanDaBase. In the interview, Machacek was asked about any cancelled Rare projects that he wishes had been released. Well, he revealed that there was a Battletoads game on the Game Boy that was cancelled because “the arcade game had underperformed in market and Tradewest pulled the plug on the whole franchise”. Here’s what Machacek said about the matter:

RFDB: Were there any canned projects that you were particularly fond of that you really wish had come to fruition?

Paul: Probably the most annoying is Super Battletoads on the Gameboy. Heard of it? No, nor has almost anyone else. It was the fourth one I’d written in the serious, was a spinoff from the arcade game of the same name, and was 100% finished and signed off by Test. Then it got cancelled shortly after I moved onto Donkey Kong Land because the arcade game had underperformed in market and Tradewest pulled the plug on the whole franchise.

In 2015, during Rare Replay development, with long-term members of Rare saying to me “don’t be silly, that game never existed”, we found it sitting on an old disc. A finished copy of the game. One of the engineers here happened to have a Gameboy emulator and we dragged the file into it and waited with bated breath. It ran! I couldn’t believe it, no one had seen this game in about 22 years, and I was the only person who recalled its existence at all.

Then we needed to see exactly what was there and being a rock hard Battletoad game that no one had played in over 20 years it wasn’t going to be easy. However, I still had the sourcecode (which I had no way of compiling anymore but could look through anyway). I worked out an infinite lives cheat, applied it to the binary file by “poking” it and got one of our team to play through the whole thing in one go and record the video. It took a little over an hour (with infinite lives) but was all there. A 100% completed game. Apparently, no bugs were seen.

Quelle: MyNintendoNews

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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von gunman » So Mai 30, 2021 08:59

Noch ein cooles Projekt um den GBA zu einer Heimkonsole umzubauen mit HDMI Ausgang und SNES Controller Port:
https://circuit-board.de/forum/index.ph ... onsolizer/

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Registriert: Fr Mär 21, 2003 15:15
Nintendo Network ID: Seppatoni
3DS Freundescode: 5327-0890-2151
Wohnort: Espenmoos Anmeldedatum: 29.11.2001

Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Mo Mai 31, 2021 06:03

Sehr cooles Teil. :ukoch:
Kürzlich wurde ja auch der Retron SQ von Hyperkin vorgestellt.


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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von torte00 » Mo Mai 31, 2021 13:24

Die GBA Heimkonsole finde ich auch recht gut umgesetzt. :coolthumbup:
https://torte00.itch.io :sterngelb: NES / SNES homebrew forever!

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Re: [Game Boy] News, Spiele, Fakten, Gerüchte, Tests

Beitrag von Azuris » Mi Jun 09, 2021 05:03

Bei dem ganzen Zeug was auf dem Markt rumschwirrt, den Preisen und für die richtig guten FPGA-Teile meist mit Importkosten verbundenen Bestellungen, hab ich mir einen Mister bestellt ^^

Kann ich euch definitiv empfehlen.

Bei den Retrons denke ich halt immer, dass es am Ende auch nur Emulation ist und ich dann simpler meinen Laptop kurz an den Fernseher schließe, Controller per Bluetooth und fertig.

Meine Spiele habe ich mit Retrode2 eh schon gedumpt.

Da hat man mit den Speicherständen am Ende auch mehr Freiheiten.
